Working Mum


Working Mum

The Ethical Cam Community is, for me, redefining what it is to be a busy working mother.

I don’t know of any other job that has unlimited earning potential during school hours and after bedtimes. 

I used to believe that the stereotypical cam girl was aged in their late teens to early twenties, childless, and single. I personally started my cam journey as a single, childless twenty something, but I was in a very dark place mentally. Four years later and I am the happiest I’ve ever been, practically married, and I’ve just had a baby!

In 2018 I lived alone, I was in debt and I was suffering from really bad depression and anxiety. I came across the idea to cam for a career on a job website and initially thought it might be a scam as it seemed far too good to be true! 

However, because I was so ill I believed I had nothing to lose, so I went ahead with the application process. I still remember my first time on cam – I made a decent amount of money and, more importantly, I had so much fun just being myself! Possibly for the first time in my life. There was no judgement or repression from the clients. I felt free. Camming wasn’t too good to be true – it was everything I had been promised and more. 

Fast forward to the year 2020. My career was going brilliantly, I was newly single as I was not taking any shit from men any more, and I had just moved in with some family. Then the dreaded pandemic hit. I had to close my shop and work from home, as well as help to home-school the children I lived with, and look after my newly born kittens!

After everyone had gone to bed camming was my escape, and my income! I went on at similar times most nights and I would see the same clients coming back and I was getting paid straight into my bank account nearly every day!

Later that year I was living my best life – dating a couple, exercising regularly, eating healthily, working at my dream job, and earning loads from camming. I had whatever I wanted whenever I wanted it, and I could even afford to save some money up – something I’d never been able to do before. I was not looking for love so of course the love of my life walked into my shop one day! Something had changed in me as I knew I didn’t need him, I just wanted him in my life. The energy between us was so charged and I knew it would manifest into something bigger than us. Despite never wanting kids, I was pregnant within a year.

I had always been more focused on my career. I used to casually date all sorts of people and never wanted anything serious. But once I was truly in love with myself, successful, happy, and healthy, I found I attracted even more people and I had my pick!

When I discovered I was pregnant I was filled with dread. I didn’t want my body to change, my career to stop, or to have to be responsible for another human! I had awful morning sickness for months, extreme fatigue, and my depression came back with a vengeance. Just when I was at breaking point I got to the middle trimester and I had a bit more energy, less sickness, and I was able to get some work done. I was still getting online whenever I could, and I was grateful my belly hadn’t  grown bigger yet, thinking it would put clients off, so I kept my pregnancy secret. My cam persona was much younger than I actually am, single, bratty and bossy, and very naughty. I didn’t think pregnancy was attractive to many men so I really didn’t want to have to change my cam persona. But when I started to show at around 6-7 months I took the leap and I changed my name and profile to suit my new body and mindset. I did lose some clients and it was quiet for me for a little while. But I soon found that this niche was a huge fetish for many, and I got loads of new regular clients quite quickly – I wished I’d announced it sooner! I worked the pregnancy into my fake life story and my customers lapped it up – they loved it!

When I finished my main job for maternity leave I had loads more time to cam and I had my best month yet! Then I had my baby and me and my partner were able to take nearly a month off together to look after her – I couldn’t have done those early weeks without him! 

I first went back on cam when the baby was about two weeks old. I changed my name and my profile again after that, and again the clients loved it! I was quite nervous beforehand as my body had changed again, I didn’t feel myself at first and I didn’t know what to wear. Without much time to get ready I would go on as I was, and be pleasantly surprised at the positive comments saying I didn’t look like I’d had a baby! It turned out my audience had been waiting for me to have the baby and start breastfeeding so there wasn’t too much of a drop in my earnings this time. Now my baby is seven weeks old and I am camming, texting, and on phone chat as often as I can. 

The flexibility within this job is incredible. There aren’t many jobs you can do from your bed with your newborn baby asleep next to you! When she naps, and if I’m not too tired, I’ll throw on some lipstick and get my laptop out. When my partner looks after her and gives me some alone time in the bath, I take my laptop with me! No matter what time of day it is there are clients online and waiting for me. Having a positive attitude and a sunny disposition helps you attract clients so this in turn has helped with my depression, and my anxiety has virtually disappeared.

Every single day I am grateful I found this secret online world that I am now a well established part of. It has built up my self worth, my confidence, and my bank balance!

The best part of this job is the flexibility – with when and where you can do it; but also with whoever you are and wherever you are in your life. No matter what, you can find your niche and plenty of paying clients. 


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